Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Topology is everywhere

An international research team discovered that almost all materials in nature exhibit at least one topological state, contradicting the 40-year-old assumption that topological materials are rare and esoteric.

May 19th, 2022

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A Moebius band constructed solely by carbon atoms

Scientists have synthesized the first belt-shaped molecular nanocarbon with a twisted Moebius band topology - a Moebius carbon nanobelt - that paves the way for the development of nanocarbon materials with complex topological structures.

May 19th, 2022

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Researchers develop new measurement method in molecular electronics

Controlling electrical signals using single molecules enables the miniaturization of transistors in integrated circuits down to the atomic level. This research area of molecular electronics not only paves the way for the next generation of ultra-powerful computers, but also for entirely new electronic systems and methods.

May 19th, 2022

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Ions and Rydberg-atoms: a bond between David and Goliath

Scientists have verified a novel binding mechanism forming a molecule between a tiny charged particle and in atomic measures gigantic Rydberg atom. The scientists could observe spatially resolved the molecule with the help of a self-build ion microscope.

May 19th, 2022

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Floquet matter and metamaterials: Time to join forces

Floquet physics investigates exotic out-of-equilibrium matter phases by applying an external temporal drive. Metamaterials offer several platforms to create tailored nanostructured, and now time-modulated, materials. Connecting these two platforms into Floquet metamaterials offers great opportunities for extreme wave control.

May 19th, 2022

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