Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

New cell culture technique paves the way for tailor-made cancer treatments

In a development that could lead to a deeper understanding of cancer and better early-stage treatment of the disease, researchers have devised a reliable way to grow a certain type of cancer cells from patients outside the body for study. The new technique is more than three times as effective as previous methods.

Dec 19th, 2014

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Quantum physics just got less complicated

Here's a nice surprise: quantum physics is less complicated than we thought. An international team of researchers has proved that two peculiar features of the quantum world previously considered distinct are different manifestations of the same thing.

Dec 19th, 2014

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Nanosensoren f�r Herz und Hirn

16 Arbeitsgruppen der Christian-Albrechts-Universit�t zu Kiel (CAU), des Universit�tsklinikums Schleswig-Holstein (UKSH) und des Fraunhofer Instituts f�r Siliziumtechnik (ISIT) erforschen zuk�nftig gemeinsam neuartige Sensoren f�r die medizinische Diagnostik. Damit sollen �ber winzigste Magnetfelder Gehirn- und Herzfunktionen aufgezeichnet werden.

Dec 19th, 2014

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Instant-start computers possible with new breakthrough

If data could instead be encoded without current it would require much less energy, and make things like low-power, instant-on computing a ubiquitous reality. Researchers have made a breakthrough in that direction with a room-temperature magnetoelectric memory device. Equivalent to one computer bit, it exhibits the holy grail of next-generation nonvolatile memory: magnetic switchability, in two steps, with nothing but an electric field.

Dec 18th, 2014

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Creation of 'Rocker' protein opens way for new smart molecules in medicine

Human cells are protected by a largely impenetrable molecular membrane, but researchers have built the first artificial transporter protein that carries individual atoms across membranes, opening the possibility of engineering a new class of smart molecules with applications in fields as wide ranging as nanotechnology and medicine.

Dec 18th, 2014

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Multiferroic heroics put instant-on computing in sight

Reseaerchers have made a breakthrough in that direction with a room-temperature magnetoelectric memory device. Equivalent to one computer bit, it exhibits the holy grail of next-generation nonvolatile memory: magnetic switchability, in two steps, with nothing but an electric field.

Dec 18th, 2014

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New technique moves researchers closer to new range of GaN biosensors

Researchers have found a way of binding peptides to the surface of gallium nitride (GaN) in a way that keeps the peptides stable even when exposed to water and radiation. The discovery moves researchers one step closer to developing a new range of biosensors for use in medical and biological research applications.

Dec 18th, 2014

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