Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Accounting for biological aggregation in heating and imaging of magnetic nanoparticles

Biological aggregation is a critical, yet often overlooked factor in the medical application of nanoparticles. Here scientists systematically characterize the effects of aggregation on both radiofrequency heating and magnetic resonance image (MRI) contrast of magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles, including detailed analysis of the aggregate morphologies based on quasi-fractal descriptions.

Sep 2nd, 2014

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Single laser stops molecular tumbling motion instantly

In the quantum world, making the simple atom behave is one thing, but making the more complex molecule behave is another story. Now scientists have figured out an elegant way to stop a molecule from tumbling so that its potential for new applications, such as quantum computing, can be harnessed: shine a single laser on a trapped molecule and it instantly cools to the temperature of outer space, stopping the rotation of the molecule.

Sep 2nd, 2014

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Nano-forests to reveal secrets of cells

Vertical nanowires could be used for detailed studies of what happens on the surface of cells. The findings are important for pharmaceuticals research, among other applications.

Sep 2nd, 2014

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Sprinkling spin physics onto a superconductor

Scientists have been studying the effects of embedding magnetic spins onto the surface of a superconductor. They report that the spins can interact differently than previously thought. This hybrid platform could be useful for quantum simulations of complex spin systems, having the special feature that the interactions may be controllable, something quite unusual for most condensed matter systems.

Sep 1st, 2014

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Quantum chance

Nicolas Gisin explains extraordinary phenomena like teleportation and quantum entanglement.

Sep 1st, 2014

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Nanotechnology and big data - the next industrial revolution?

A new report reviews the potential implications of nanotechnology on the safety and performance of engineering assets and the infrastructure on which modern society relies on, finds that nanotechnology will have a far reaching impact on almost every industry including energy, transportation, manufacturing, medical, computing and telecommunications.

Sep 1st, 2014

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Simulations for better transparent oxide layers

Touchscreens and solar cells rely on special oxide layers. However, errors in the layers' atomic structure impair not only their transparency, but also their conductivity. Using atomic models, researchers have found ways of identifying and removing these errors.

Sep 1st, 2014

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