Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

A look into the magnetic future

Scientists have observed for the first time how tiny magnets in a special layout align themselves solely as a result of temperature changes. This view into processes that take place within so-called artificial spin ice could play an important role in the development of novel high-performance computers.

Apr 4th, 2022

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The platinum riddle (w/video)

Platinum is an important catalyst. But up until now, nobody know how exactly single platinum atoms behave during catalysis. Scientists could now solve the riddle, why some chemical reactions take place at temperatures at which this should not even be possible.

Apr 4th, 2022

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The material that could save industries heat

Scientists have found a common substance that can reversibly and rapidly store and release relatively large amounts of low-grade heat without decomposing. The research could lead to more efficient reuse of industrial waste heat.

Apr 4th, 2022

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Quantum 'shock absorbers' allow perovskite to exhibit superfluorescence at room temperature

Semiconducting perovskites that exhibit superfluorescence at room temperature do so due to built-in thermal 'shock absorbers' which protect dipoles within the material from thermal interference. A new study explores the mechanism involved in this macroscopic quantum phase transition and explains how and why materials like perovskites exhibit macroscopic quantum coherence at high temperatures.

Apr 2nd, 2022

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