Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Stretched rubber offers simpler method for assembling nanowires

Researchers at North Carolina State University have developed a cheap and easy method for assembling nanowires, controlling their alignment and density. The researchers hope the findings will foster additional research into a range of device applications using nanowires, from nanoelectronics to nanosensors, especially on unconventional substrates such as rubber, plastic and paper.

Feb 28th, 2011

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New Master's program "MSc NanoBiosciences and NanoMedicine" in Austria

Nanotechnology is one of the key technologies of the 21st century. It is already of immense significance in medicine as well as industry. Together with the Vienna University of Technology and the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences Vienna, Danube University Krems has developed a postgraduate Master's program in nanobiosciences and nanomedicine which imparts interdisciplinary and practice-oriented knowledge in this sub-speciality.

Feb 28th, 2011

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European micro- and nanotechnology companies continue to hire employees

A new survey shows that European companies want to hire more employees again, their sales have risen strongly, they are aiming for new overseas markets and looking out on the new business year with confidence. However, skills shortage and a persistent difficulty to raise capital may eventually restrict the industry's growth.

Feb 28th, 2011

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Silicon chip "replaces" rare earths

Rare earths are an expensive and necessary component of strong permanent magnets. However, their use for this purpose can be optimised and thereby reduced. This has been demonstrated in computer simulations by a Special Research Program funded by the Austrian Science Fund FWF.

Feb 28th, 2011

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From individual cells to entire bodies, lasers shine

From a single cell to a whole organism, the laser will play an increasingly important role in diagnosing and treating disease. So says a Duke University bioengineer who is using the latest applications of a technology invented 50 years ago to peer into the genetic material of cells, to detect the earliest signs of disease in a single cell, and to non-invasively and optically biopsy tissue inside the body for the tell-tale traces of cancer.

Feb 28th, 2011

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Quantensimulation mit Licht: Frustration bei der Paarbildung

Quantensysteme werden als frustriert bezeichnet, wenn konkurrierende Wechselwirkungen nicht gleichzeitig befriedigt werden koennen. Einem Forschungsteam der Uni Wien und des Instituts fuer Quantenoptik und Quanteninformation gelang es, erstmals Quanteneffekte von komplexen Vielteilchensystemen zu simulieren.

Feb 28th, 2011

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Im neuen Quantencomputer funkt's!

Eine grundlegend neue Architektur fuer den Quantencomputer schlagen Innsbrucker Physiker um Rainer Blatt vor. Sie haben im Experiment erstmals die Funktion von Quantenantennen demonstriert. Diese machen es moeglich, Quanteninformation zwischen einzelnen Speicherzellen auf einem Computerchip auszutauschen.

Feb 28th, 2011

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Direct electronic readout of 'artificial atoms'

In addition to flows of electrons, researchers are seeking options for the spin of electrons to be used in future information processing. In combination with these characteristics, a considerably larger volume of information can be stored than merely 'zero' and 'one'. Because this is difficult with individual atoms, physicists place 'artificial atoms' into solids. Through his participation, a research team has now has succeeded in an energy-state occupancy readout of those artificial atoms - using common interfaces to classic computers.

Feb 25th, 2011

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Physicists develop scalable method for making graphene

New research from the University of Pennsylvania demonstrates a more consistent and cost-effective method for making graphene, the atomic-scale material that has promising applications in a variety of fields, and was the subject of the 2010 Nobel Prize in Physics.

Feb 25th, 2011

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