Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Alchemists of the cell environment

Scientists create gold catalysts capable of working as artificial enzymes inside living cells, thus triggering chemical reactions which do not exist in nature.

May 21st, 2018

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Researchers mimic comet moth's silk fibers to make 'air-conditioned' fabric

In exploring the optical properties of the Madagascar comet moth's cocoon fibers, a research team discovers the fibers' exceptional capabilities to reflect sunlight and to transmit optical signals and images, and develops methods to spin artificial fibers mimicking the natural fibers? nanostructures and optical properties.

May 17th, 2018

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Self-assembling 3D battery would charge in seconds

Instead of having the batteries' anode and cathode on either side of a nonconducting separator, researchers intertwine the components in a self-assembling, 3D gyroidal structure, with thousands of nanoscale pores filled with the elements necessary for energy storage and delivery.

May 17th, 2018

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