Nanotechnology: Engines On

(Nanowerk News) Controlling climate change, abandoning dependency on fossil fuels, and creating the conditions for sustainable development will require as great a transformation as our ancestors accomplished over tens of thousands of years in moving from agrarian to urban societies. "Nanotechnology: Engines On" is a new book about how Nanotechnology is contributing to solve this vital challenges.
Engines On bookcover
The book has been published by NanoWiki, a digital online publication developed in the frame of NanoAracat, to track the evolution of paradigms and discoveries in nanoscience and nanotechnology field, annotate and disseminate them, giving an overall view and feed the essential public debate on nanotechnology and its practical applications.
"Merging and blending some thoughts on recent news on energy that appeared in on our Nanowiki 2010, following the positive experience from last year's digest, "Nanotechnology: balancing the promises", on the question of the unknown potential benefits to human health and environmental risks of nanotechnology. The responsible implementation of Nanotechnology should be a balance between the risks and benefits to society, as analyzed by a broad spectrum of stakeholders. Our intention is to promote the debate on the evolution of this young discipline, nanotechnology, to ensure its safe and responsible development. The text is accompanied by a selection of microscopy images which summarize our efforts within the laboratory to explore the world on the nanoscale during the last year."
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Source: NanoWiki