Posted: September 21, 2007

Yoga guru appropriates nanotechnology

(Nanowerk News) Here is our Slow News Friday story. We thought we'd heard it all but now a yoga guru has appropriated nanotechnology in a talk at Assocham's B2B in Biotechnology & Nanotechnology summit in India this week.
In a talk titled "Bridging the gap: Nanohealth" Baba Ramdev, who calls himself His Holiness Swami Ramdevji Maharaj, allegedly said that "using yoga to treat a disease is just another example of using nanotechnology in medicine".
Stretching even further, he said: "Just as nanotechnology has the potential to send nanoparticles within the body system to seek out and treat afflicted parts, pranayam in yoga sends oxygen to the remotest parts inside the body which need oxygen for cure."
On his website (don't skip the intro!), Ramdev preaches the medicinal values of oxygen like this: " the perfect nano medicine. It reaches all corners of the body and cures all ailments. It is the ultimate detoxifier and also the ultimate regenerator as with the breath comes prana, the vital force. This prana takes care of the body, the mind, the emotions, the five elements and also the five bodies that make up our presence in this world. It is a great force, a great teacher, a great guide. One who has control over prana can control anything and everything."