Posted: December 10, 2008

New recognition for materials professionals in Australia

(Nanowerk News) Professor David StJohn President of Materials Australia today announced the introduction of the Certified Materials Professional CMP membership status for professionals working in the field of materials science and engineering in Australia.
Professor StJohn in announcing the CMP said: "Australia needs to present itself as a place of innovation, new thinking and technology to ensure we have a vibrant economy. We must attract and retain smart people into the field of Materials Science and Engineering if we are going to be ahead of the game." he said
"Our first priority is to recognize, promote and reward those who are already working at the forefront of materials science and engineering. Through the introduction of new materials and in particular the application of nanotechnology we are now attracting members from a broad background who wish to be recognised as materials professionals in the community. We want CMP's to be role models, ambassadors and an inspiration for those who a looking to career in Materials Science or Engineering"
From the 1st of December, professionals working within the field of materials may make application on line to be a Certified Materials Professional. "The process is intended to be streamlined and convenient "said Materials Australia CEO Nick Koerbin. "If you go to our new website you will be able identify if you are qualified to be a CMP and then make application on line."
Your application will be assessed by our certification panel within 14 days. CMP's will be able to use the post nominal CMP and will be promoted and marketed as Materials Professionals in Australia and overseas.
The membership fee is $50 application and $200 per annum. Until the 30th of Jan2009,
New applications and renewals will only need to pay a fee of $170
Existing members can renew or upgrade to a CMP through the log on portal. Their log on details will emailed to them, or contact Materials Australia office 03-93267272
Source: Materials Australia