World's largest antibody search engine

(Nanowerk News) An internet service which allows scientists to find antibodies for use in their research is now the largest antibody search engine in a $2billion industry, and ranked number one by Google.
CiteAb was founded in 2013 by Dr Andrew Chalmers at the University of Bath following funding from an EPSRC Knowledge Transfer Account.
Dr Chalmers said: “One of the biggest problems for a researcher is being sure that the antibody they’re about to spend hundreds of pounds on is going to work. They can waste time and money buying the wrong one, CiteAb solves this problem. We rank antibodies by academic citations as these are the best guide to whether an antibody is likely to work in the laboratory – citations are independent and easily verifiable, and no one can pay to be the top hit.”
The team at CiteAb work in collaboration with Bath based Storm Consultancy and are currently exploring ways to use the data CiteAb generates to ensure the long-term success of this research as a commercial enterprise.
Source: Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council