Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Mapping out a transient atom

Scientists have published the results of an experiment that could provide a blueprint for the analysis of transitions states in atoms and molecules. This would open up new opportunities to gain insights into important processes such as photocatalysis, elementary steps in photosynthesis and radiation damage.

Dec 21st, 2020

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Seeking answers in ferroelectric patterning

Why do some ferroelectric materials display bubble-shaped patterning, while others display complex, labyrinthine patterns? A new study finds the answer to the changing patterns in ferroelectric films lies in non-equilibrium dynamics, with topological defects driving subsequent evolution.

Dec 19th, 2020

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Shifting gears toward chemical machines

Engineers have utilized a catalytic reaction that causes a two-dimensional, chemically-coated sheet to spontaneously 'morph' into a three-dimensional gear that performs sustained work.

Dec 18th, 2020

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Innovative coating makes medical devices safer

The new coating can prevent liquids like water and blood from sticking onto surfaces. The researchers also found that the liquid-repellant coating can kill bacteria and halt blood clot formation on an object's surface.

Dec 18th, 2020

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Ultra-thin designer materials unlock quantum phenomena

A team of theoretical and experimental physicists have designed a new ultra-thin material that they have used to create elusive quantum states. Called one-dimensional Majorana zero energy modes, these quantum states could have a huge impact for quantum computing.

Dec 17th, 2020

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Polariton interactions: Light matters

Why do two-dimensional exciton-polaritons interact? The answer is found to lie in the 'light-like' characteristics of these quasiparticles. This is important for future applications using polaritons in atomically-thin semiconductors, such as ultra-low energy electronics.

Dec 17th, 2020

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