Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Quantum optical hard drive breakthrough

Scientists developing a prototype optical quantum hard drive have improved storage time by a factor of over 100. The team's record storage time of six hours is a major step towards a secure worldwide data encryption network based on quantum information

Jan 8th, 2015

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Jumping crystals

Insights into structural transformations explain why mechanical tension causes some crystals to jump, while others crumble.

Jan 7th, 2015

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New light shed on electron spin flips

Researchers derived a new set of equations that allows for calculating electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) transition probabilities with arbitrary alignment and polarization of the exciting electromagnetic radiation.

Jan 7th, 2015

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A potential long-lasting nano treatment for sensitive teeth

Rather than soothe and comfort, a hot cup of tea or cocoa can cause people with sensitive teeth a jolt of pain. But scientists are now developing a new biomaterial that can potentially rebuild worn enamel and reduce tooth sensitivity for an extended period.

Jan 7th, 2015

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Microfluidics to accelerate cell membrane research

Life processes depend fundamentally on phenomena occurring on the membranes separating cells from their environment. Hitherto poorly understood, the mechanisms responsible for transport through the cell membrane will be able to be studied faster and more cheaply - thanks to a new microfluidic system. The system enables the serial formation of cell membranes and measurement of the processes taking place on them.

Jan 7th, 2015

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