Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Horizons in clinical nanomedicine

A comprehensive overview on the forefront developments of nanotechnology in various domains of clinical medicine, such as cardiology, oncology, pharmacology, immunology, dermatology, virology, hematology, orthopaedics, embryology and congenital defects, dentistry, and tissue engineering.

Aug 21st, 2014

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Physicists have chilled the world's coolest molecules

Yale physicists have chilled the world's coolest molecules. The tiny titans in question are bits of strontium monofluoride, dropped to 2.5 thousandths of a degree above absolute zero through a laser cooling and isolating process called magneto-optical trapping.

Aug 21st, 2014

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Guidelines for enhancing solar cells using surface plasmon polaritons

Researchers from NIST have established guidelines for using surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) to improve absorption in both photovoltaic or photoelectrochemical cells used for energy conversion. In both types of photocells, SPPs have the potential to increase the amount of light absorbed in the active material layer, improving the overall efficiency of light collection in solar energy devices.

Aug 21st, 2014

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Magnons control magnons: Next-generation transistors

A disturbance in the local magnetic order of a solid body can propagate across a material just like a wave. This wave is named spin wave and its quanta are known as magnons. Physicists propose the usage of magnons to carry and process information instead of electrons as it is done in electronics.

Aug 21st, 2014

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Neue Messtechnik f�r Nanostrukturen

Zwei elektrische Isolatoren aneinander bringen und dadurch einen elektrischen Supraleiter erzeugen: Wer solche Ph�nomene in Nanostrukturen analysieren will, st��t schnell an messtechnische Grenzen - es sei denn, er benutzt eine neue Methode, die W�rzburger Physiker mitentwickelt haben.

Aug 21st, 2014

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New nanotheranostic platform packs a three-in-one punch

A combination of three modes of therapy - photodynamic therapy, chemotherapy and radiotherapy - integrated into a single platform, it is hoped that this treatment would increase treatment efficacy and reduce side effects for cancer patients.

Aug 21st, 2014

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Nanoparticles in sunblock pose potential hazard to sea life

When sunbathers splash into the ocean to cool off, some of their lotions and creams get rinsed into the water. The problem is that titanium dioxide and zinc oxide nanoparticles, which are common ingredients in sunblock, can react with ultraviolet light from the sun and form new compounds, such as hydrogen peroxide, that could be toxic.

Aug 20th, 2014

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