Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Titanium dioxide nanoreactor

Researchers have developed a synthesis to produce nanoparticles at room temperature in a polymer network. Their analysis has revealed the crystalline structure of the nanoparticles. This represents a major step forward in the usage of polymeric nanoreactors since, until recently, the nanoparticles had to be thoroughly heated to get them to crystallize.

Feb 21st, 2013

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Supramolecular velcro for underwater adhesion

When gluing things together, both surfaces usually need to be dry. Gluing wet surfaces or surfaces under water is a challenge. Korean scientists have now introduced a completely new concept. They were able to achieve reversible underwater adhesion by using supramolecular "velcro".

Feb 21st, 2013

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Photonen im Paartanz

Photonen, die in ihrer Eigenschaften absolut identisch sind, sind ein Schl�ssel f�r Quantennetzwerke und Quantencomputer. Einem internationalen Wissenschaftler-Team ist jetzt die Produktion solcher Photonen auf Knopfdruck gelungen.

Feb 21st, 2013

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Photo-immunotherapy boosts nanoparticle delivery to tumors

Hisataka Kobayashi and his colleagues at NCI's Center for Cancer Research employed a technique they call photo-immunotherapy, which uses an antibody linked to a light-sensitive compound or photosensitizer, to increase the leakiness of tumor-associated blood vessels.

Feb 20th, 2013

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Nanotechnology may enable earlier cancer diagnosis

Sangeeta Bhatia, a project leader at the MIT-Harvard Center of Cancer Nanotechnology Excellence, led the team that developed nanoparticles that can home to a tumor and interact with cancer proteins to produce thousands of biomarkers, which can then be easily detected in the patient's urine.

Feb 20th, 2013

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The nano-channel that disentangles knots

Scientists have considered a specific DNA filament model and examined its behavior within a nano-channel. They observed that by varying the channel's width it is possible to drastically change the quantity and complexity of the knots formed by the DNA.

Feb 20th, 2013

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Efficient distributed quantum computing

A quantum computer doesn't need to be a single large device but could be built from a network of small parts, new research from the University of Bristol has demonstrated. As a result, building such a computer would be easier to achieve.

Feb 20th, 2013

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Viren erkennen durch neuartige Nanotechnologie-Methode

Forschende der Universit�t Basel und der Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz (FHNW) haben eine Methode entwickelt, um mithilfe eines neuartigen nanotechnologischen Verfahrens Viren zu erkennen. Das Verfahren k�nnte zur Herstellung von Viren, aber auch zur Diagnostik und Therapie verschiedener Krankheiten eingesetzt werden.

Feb 20th, 2013

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