Nanotechnology Degree Programs (letter U)

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Showing results 101 - 116 of 116 for nanotechnology degree programs starting with U:

The programme's broad theme is the practical implementation of nanoscience and quantum engineering, nanomaterials and nanotechnology. The programme covers the fundamentals behind nanotechnology and moves on to discuss its implementation using nanomaterials - such as graphene - and the use of advanced tools of nanotechnology which allow us to see at the nanoscale, before discussing future trends and applications for energy generation and storage.
The MSc Nanotechnology is a 2 year programme for anybody having a BSc degree in any applied science. The educational programme is offering you a multidisciplinary approach to this new emerging field, forming an excellent preparation for a scientific career both at the university or in industry.
The graduate research programmes of the Twente Graduate School are set up as a coherent and integrated master and doctorate course that runs over a period of five to at most six years leading to a PhD degree.
High priority research area focussing on fundamental and applied research associated with Health and sustainable technologies.
Das Ziel der Ausbildung ist es, den Studierenden Kenntnisse auf den wichtigsten Teilgebieten der Nanostrukturtechnik zu vermitteln und sie mit den Methoden des ingenieurwissenschaftlichen und physikalischen Denkens und Arbeitens vertraut zu machen.
Als forschungsorientierter und zeitlich komprimierter Studiengang der Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie der Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg wird der Studiengang FOKUS Physik-Nanostrukturtechnik im Rahmen des Elitenetzwerks Bayern (ENB) mit dem Abschluss Master of Science with Honors angeboten. Das Studium zum Master of Science bereitet auf die wissenschaftlichen Tätigkeiten in Forschung und Entwicklung im Fachgebiet Nanowissenschaften vor.
Das Studium zum Master of Science bereitet auf wissenschaftliche Tätigkeiten im Fachgebiet Nanostrukturtechnik vor. Es bereitet auch auf eine Promotion zum Dr. rer. nat. oder Dr.-Ing. vor. Das Ziel der Ausbildung ist es, den Studierenden vertiefte Kenntnis des wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens in der Forschung und Anwendung der Nanowissenschaften und seiner inhaltlichen Grundlagen zu vermitteln.
After admission to a participating department, graduate students can apply for our 'Option Ph.D. in Nanotechnology' program. Fulfillment of both departmental and Nanotechnology Program requirements will lead to a Ph. D. in Nanotechnology and the chosen discipline.
The Nanotechnology Engineering honours degree program is designed to provide a practical education in key areas of nanotechnology, including the fundamental chemistry, physics, and engineering of nanostructures or nanosystems, as well as the theories and techniques used to model, design, fabricate, or characterize them. Great emphasis is placed on training with modern instrumentation techniques as used in the research and development of these emerging technologies.
The interdisciplinary research programs, jointly offered by three departments in the Faculty of Science and four in the Faculty of Engineering, provide students with a stimulating educational environment that spans from basic research through to application. The goal of the collaborative programs is to allow students to gain perspectives on nanotechnology from a wide community of scholars within and outside their disciplines in both course and thesis work. The MASc and MSc degree collaborative programs provide a strong foundation in the emerging areas of nano-science or nano-engineering in preparation for the workforce or for further graduate study and research leading to a doctoral degree.
This program investigates the basic theory and applications of nanotechnology in the biological and chemical sciences, in physics and in engineering science. One of these four streams is completed at Levels 2 and 3, with a major project unit in nanotechnology at Level 3.
Medical Nanotechnology is the application of the methods and techniques of Nanotechnology to medical and health areas. The student may also choose to specialise in Nanophysics or Nanochemistry opening up alternative career paths in industry (biotechnology, pharmaceutical, health, defence, chemical, petroleum, materials and engineering).
The Bachelor of Nanotechnology is an interdisciplinary degree which is jointly offered by the Faculties of Engineering and Science. The degree targets the emerging field of nano-materials, molecular machines and nano-science. The course draws on major research strengths at UOW including: the Intelligent Polymer Research Institute, the Institute for Superconducting and Electronic Materials, the BlueScope Steel Metallurgy Centre and the ARC Centre of Excellence for Electromaterials Science.
An undergraduate BEng/MEng course.
You will learn how using quantum and statistical mechanics and thermodynamics of the very small, and arranging atoms and molecules in specific ways, leads to new materials or systems with remarkable functions. You will develop laboratory skills in the university's clean room and your final year project could be conducted in, and supervised by, the York-JEOL Nanocentre.
This official Master from Zaragoza University (Spain) has a duration of 18 months and comprises 75 ECTS credits. The course is suitable for graduates with science, engineering, medicine or related degrees keen to develop careers at the forefront of nanoscience and nanotechnology. The course is multidisciplinary and aims to provide students with fundamental knowledge, practical experience, and skills in the fabrication and characterization of nanostructured materials and devices with applications in key areas of nanochemistry, nanophysics, and nanobiomedicine.