Nanotechnology Master Degree Programs in Germany


Showing results 1 - 10 of 15:

The Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology at Chemnitz University of Technology offers a new, 4-semester international master's programme in Micro and Nano Systems. The programme provides world-class, future-oriented education in design, manufacturing, characterization and integration of miniaturized components into engineering systems.
The interdisciplinary degree courses in nanotechnology at Leibniz Universit�t Hannover provide extensive training in the field of nanotechnology. The Faculties of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Mechanical Engineering, Mathematics and Physics, and Natural Sciences have combined forces to offer this joint programme.
This internationally recognized Master of Science (M. Sc.) course of study offers students of the natural sciences an advanced degree coupled with practical experience. The Course of Study may be completed in three semesters of full-time study or over a longer period of time for students whose professions only permit part-time study.
Der Studiengang vermittelt Kenntnisse und Fähigkeiten in der Herstellung, Prüfung, Verarbeitung und Verwendung von Werkstoffen, z.B. von Metallen, Kunststoffen, Nichtmetallisch-Anorganischen Werkstoffen und Werkstoffen der Verbund- und Nanotechnologie.
Ziel des Studiengangs ist es, die naturwissenschaftlichen und technologischen Grundlagen fü?r die Erzeugung von Mikro- und Nanostrukturen zu vermitteln und die Studenten innerhalb der Studienrichtung zu befähigen, zukünftige Entwicklungen zu Mikro- und Nanotechnologien sowie nanotechnischen Systemen voranzutreiben.
The program Molecular Bioengineering aims to teach students the fundamentals in biomedicine and bio-nanotechnology combining biology and technology, which are linked in two ways: On the one hand, biological knowledge on cells is applied to develop the notion of molecular factories; on the other hand, nanotechnology and bioinformatics are enabling technologies applicable to engineer biomaterials for medical applications.
The 2-year master program aims to teach students the fundamentals in biophysics and bio-nanotechnology with a twofold aim: to use nanotechnological approaches to better characterize and understand complex molecular machines such as biomolecules, but also to harness these molecules in technological systems or use them as templates or model systems for a bottom-up nanotechnology.
The Master's Program in Organic and Molecular Electronics is designed to provide students with professional skills needed to advance a successful international career in the cutting edge field of organic electronics. It offers an interdisciplinary study program comprising physics, chemistry, electrical engineering and materials science. The close collaboration with industry partners enables a highly practice-oriented education. Moreover, we strongly focus on developing soft skills required in an everyday professional lives of our future graduates, such us project management, patent law, and much more.
Der Master-Studiengang besteht aus zwei Vertiefungsrichtungen, Nanoprozesstechnologie und Nano(opto)elektronik. Beiden Richtungen sind einige Veranstaltungen gemeinsam, in denen vor allem erweiterte Grundlagen erarbeitet werden.
Dieses neue Studienangebot ergänzt die bisherigen Möglichkeiten für Studierende im Bereich Naturwissenschaft und Technik um ein wichtiges Feld. Nanoscience & Technology ist ein Studiengang der zwischen den Naturwissenschaften und den Ingenieurwissenschaften angesiedelt ist, d.h. es ist eine gute Grundausbildung in naturwissenschaftlichen Fächern notwendig, um neue technologische Anwendungen erschliessen zu können.