Nanomaterial Suppliers


Showing results 21 - 30 of 97 of companies in USA:

Research, development and commercialization of single-walled carbon nanotubes, its chemistry and application to carbon based nanotechnology.
A supplier of various forms of carbon nanotubes.
Develops specialty chemical precursors including nanosize powders.
A manufacturer of nanoparticles.
Creative Diagnostics is a leading manufacturer and supplier of magnetic particles, antibody arrays, critical immunoassay kits and reagents.
Crystalplex develops and commercializes innovative fluorescent markers for use in basic life science research, pharmaceutical research, diagnostics and histology. The technology is based on proprietary composition-tunable nanocrystals (quantum dots).
Dynalene supplies industrial heat transfer fluids, glycols, brines, potassium formate, secondary refrigerants, and high performance coolant. Among its products are nanodiamond materials
Manufactures engineered nanomaterials in the following areas: nanopowders, thin film coatings, and devices.
Manufactures polymeric nanofibers.
Synthesizes silver nanopowder.