Nanotechnology Company & Research Labs Directory

The commercial section of the directory includes mostly business-to-business links; nanotechnology-enabled consumer products will soon be everywhere, from food to clothing to cars, and we feel that compiling such a directory doesn't make sense. Oh, and we also didn't include companies that have 'nano' in their name but not in their products.
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Research & Community
Commercial (B2B)
University Departments, Labs & Research Groups (1159)   Raw Materials (274)
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Government, Industry & Private Laboratories (229)   Biomedicine & Life Sciences (169)
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Initiatives & Networks (National and International) (289)   Products, Applications, Instruments & Technologies (852)
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Associations & Societies (18)   Services, Intermediaries & Other (91)
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Complete List - All Categories (1695)   Complete List - All Categories (1359)
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Check our Global Nanotechnology Markets overview for a geographic breakdown by country and U.S. State.
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