Nanotechnology Research – Networks and Initiatives


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Showing results 1 - 25 of 289

The goal of the project is to mass produce pressure and temperature sensors which can be cheaply printed onto plastic film and flexibly affixed to a wide range of everyday objects, such as electronic equipment. The 2.2 million euro funded project is coordinated by the Fraunhofer Institute for Silicate Research ISC.
The research focus of the laboratory is to develop novel therapeutic nanomaterials with an emphasis toward clinical translation. We seek to adopt an engineering approach to improve treatments for major diseases including cardiovascular disease, cancer, and infectious disease.
Purpose of the program is to establish a national nanotechnology industry in Taiwan.
ACTION-Grid is a Specific International Cooperation Project on healthcare information systems based on Grid capabilities and Biomedical Informatics (BMI) and nanoinformatics between Latin America, the Western Balkans and the European Union (EU).
The main purpose of the Advanced Materials and Nanomaterials Spanish Technological Platform (MATERPLAT) is fostering and promoting innovation in the Advanced Materials and Nanomaterials R&D&I Spanish System, by building a framework of encounter and collaboration between the different agents of the Company, Science and Technology Spanish System.
The cluster will enable internationally competitive technological innovation by relevant research organization and R&D-based corporation, around the core of universities and public research organizations which serve as the base of knowledge creation.
The Alliance for NanoHealth (ANH) was the first multi-disciplinary, multi-institutional collaborative research endeavor aimed solely at using nanotechnology to bridge the gaps between medicine, biology, materials science, computer technology and public policy. The ANH comprises seven world-class research institutions, scientists and clinicians located within the world's largest collection of healthcare facilities.
AMBIO (Advanced Nanostructured Surfaces for the Control of Biofouling) is an Integrated Project funded by the European Commission under its Sixth Framework Programme. The project is at the crossroads between nanosciences and marine biology, environment and high technology and is devoted to the knowledge-based development of antifouling coatings that function through their nanoscale physico-chemical properties, without the release of biocides which may damage the environment.
The American National Standards Institute's Nanotechnology Standards Panel serves as the cross-sector coordinating body for the purposes of facilitating the development of standards in the area of nanotechnology including, but not limited to, nomenclature/terminology; materials properties; and testing, measurement and characterization procedures.
The Arizona Nanotechnology Cluster, an Arizona not-for-profit organization, was formed in January 2003 to share technological advances, and to promote business development in the fast-growing field of nanotechnology.
The Asia Nano Forum (ANF) is a network organization to promote excellence in research, development and the economic uptake of nanotechnology within the Asian region.
The aim of the proposed Japanese-German Research Unit 'Advanced spintronic materials and transport phenomena' (ASPIMATT) is to develop the foundations for a future spintronics with the potential to complement and succeed conventional CMOS. The specific approach lies on the development and characterization of new spintronic materials for applications at room temperature and on the study of new spin transport phenomena, in particular lateral spin current phenomena.
This ASTM (originally known as the American Society for Testing and Materials) Committee addresses issues related to standards and guidance materials for nanotechnology & nanomaterials, as well as the coordination of existing ASTM standardization related to nanotechnology needs.
The Centre for Quantum Computer Technology is an Australian multi-university collaboration undertaking research on the fundamental physics and technology of building, at the atomic level, a solid state quantum computer in silicon together with other high potential implementations.
The AMMRF is a national grid of equipment, instrumentation and expertise in microscopy, microanalysis, electron and x-ray diffraction and spectroscopy providing nanostructural characterisation capability and services to all areas of nanotechnology and biotechnology research.
Dedicated to substantially enhancing Australia's research outcomes in this important field by promoting effective collaborations, exposing researchers to alternative and complementary approaches from other fields, encouraging forums for postgraduate students and early career researchers, increasing nanotechnology infrastructure, enhancing awareness of existing infrastructure, and promoting international links.
The vision of BIODOT is a hybrid bio-organic technology for transduction of dynamical phenomena of biosystems in-vitro. The device that will be developed is based on organic ultra thin film transistors integrated with microfluidics.
BioNanoNet Forschungsgesellschaft mbH (BioNanoNet) is an Austrian scientific network that specializes in the Key Enabling Technologies nanotechnology and biotechnology on a national and international basis, with the emphasis on (1) nanotoxicology, (2) sensortechnologies, as well as (3) health, safety, (nano-)medicine and additionally supports projects in coordination, management, dissemination and communication. BioNanoNet is a European key player in the field of nanosafety, specialised in developing nano-safety-by-design strategies together with researchers and industry.
The BIOTEX project aims at developing dedicated biochemical-sensing techniques compatible with integration into textile. The consortium includes two research institutes in the field of micro and nanotechnology.
This consortium is sponsored by European Community under Framework Program 6. It gathers 15 research and industrial partners to improve the fundamental knowledge of carbon nanotubes as well as their applications.
A non-profit research organization that brings together the various elements, across international boundaries, which are required for successfully transitioning exciting micro-nano technologies into aerospace systems.
In this project, the team plans to take advantage of the extraordinary electronic and mechanical properties of carbon nanotubes. We plan to extend the operation of HEMT/FET-type nanotube devices to the quantum limit, and to demonstrate their usefulness in conjunction with a mechanical nanotube resonator serving as a force sensor at sub-attoNewton resolution.
The recent EUREKA programme CATRENE (Cluster for Application and Technology Research in Europe on NanoElectronics) will effect Technological Leadership for a competitive European ICT industry. It is the ambition of Europe and the European companies to deliver nano-/microelectronics solutions that respond to the needs of society at large, improving the economic prosperity of Europe and reinforcing the ability of its industry to be at the forefront of the global competition. CATRENE builds on the successful previous EUREKA programmes JESSI, MEDEA, and MEDEA+ in fostering the continued development of a dynamic European ecosystem with the critical mass necessary to compete at a global level in high technology industries.
CellNanoTox, 'Cellular Interaction and Toxicology with Engineered Nanoparticles', is a Specific Targeted Research Project funded by the European Commission under the Sixth Framework Program. The project addresses the needs of the European society for assessing the risk of occupational and general population exposure to industrially manufactured nanoparticles. It is expected to generate new knowledge on potential health risk or the absence of it, providing objective arguments for recommendations and regulations.
CellPROM - beginning March 2004 - is the largest Integrated Project within the NMP priority of the 6th Framework Programme of the European Commission. CellPROM unites 27 academic and industrial researchers from 12 countries for a period of four years to achieve its main objective of non-invasive 'reprogramming' of individual cells on an industrial scale.