Nanotechnology Research Laboratories


Showing results 321 - 330 of 591 of research organizations in USA:

The Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies (CINT) is a DOE BES national user facility. The distinguishing characteristic of CINT is its emphasis on exploring the path from scientific discovery to the integration of nanostructures into the micro and macro worlds.
Provides new scientific knowledge in support of Sandia's national security mission, especially in the areas of nuclear weapons, energy and infrastructure assurance, nonproliferation and assessments, military technology and applications, and homeland security.
Through special grants awarded by the NIH, the Burnham has been designated as one of four centers for devising new therapies for cardiovascular disease using bionanotechnology.
The mission of the Nanoscale Materials Technology program is to provide students a foundation in materials science, chemistry, physics, mathematics, and electronics. With strong supporting courses in Computer Aided Drafting, Vacuum Science and Technology, and Thin Film Deposition Techniques, students will be prepared for employment as highly qualified technicians in the emerging and highly technical semiconductor and superconductor manufacturing and research and development field.
The STS Initiative's Nanoscience and Society Research Group at the University of Massachusetts Amherst brings together faculty from five research centers and seven degree-granting departments and programs within SBS engaged with several dimensions of the societal implications of nanotechnology.
Semi is the global association for suppliers enabling nanomaterials and nanomanufacturing technologies.
The Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA) is the premier trade association representing the U.S. semiconductor industry, uniting 95 companies responsible for more than 85 percent of semiconductor production in this country.
The SMA programme in AMM&NS provides a unique and innovative educational opportunity for graduate students interested in careers in industry and research. Through a combination of cutting-edge research and a sound understanding of the principles of materials, graduates are poised to accept high-level positions as leaders in development of electronic, electromechanical, magnetic, photonic, and biomedical devices and systems, especially those based on integrated systems of micro- and nano-scale devices.
The overarching goals of the group are: to facilitate the exchange of ideas and knowledge among practitioners, researchers, scholars, teachers, and others interested in risk analysis and emerging nanoscale materials; to encourage collaborative research on risk analysis and emerging nanoscale materials; and to provide leadership and play an active role in advancing issues related to risk analysis and emerging nanoscale materials.
The Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry is a not-for-profit, worldwide professional organization comprised of individuals and institutions dedicated to the study, analysis and solution of environmental problems, the management and regulation of natural resources, research and development and environmental education. Our mission is to support the development of principles and practices for protection, enhancement and management of sustainable environmental quality and ecosystem integrity.