Nanotechnology Services & Intermediaries


Showing results 21 - 28 of 28 for companies in category Support in USA:

A diversified science and engineering company. Research areas includes nanotechnology such as nanocomposite materials.
Physical Sciences Inc. focuses on providing contract research and development services in a variety of technical areas to both government and commercial customers. New materials developments include nanoparticle-derived constructs.
Nanotechnology research and development/incubator.
Provides research and development services, systems engineering, and technical support services to government and industry customers. Capabilities include nanopropulsion and carbon nanotube applications.
SmallTech Consulting provides consulting services in the fields of MicroElectroMechanical Systems (MEMS), Nanotechnology, Optics and Photonics and Materials Characterization.
R&D company which develops new materials (polymers, carbons and ceramics), catalytic and sorbent-based chemical processes and military and aerospace components. Materials include fullerenes and carbon nanotubes. TDA is developing an exciting new class of nanomaterials, the metal-carbon nanoencapsulates, for use in medial and electronics applications.
Teledyne Scientific & Imaging has extensive capabilities in the fabrication of electronic devices and nanostructures.
A science and technology company that provides its government and industry customers with research and development expertise, technical support, and value-added management services. Research areas include nanomaterials.