Nanotechnology Products, Applications & Instruments


Showing results 11 - 20 of 397 of companies in USA:

Advanced Diamond Technologies (ADT) is a leader in developing and applying diamond for industrial, electronic, and medical applications. For the microscopy market, ADT makes NaDiaProbes™, AFM probes made entirely out of diamond, which last 100 times longer than SiN probes. NaDiaProbes are available in conductive diamond, dynamic and contact modes. ADT also sells UNCD Wafers, available as diamond-on-Silicon (DoSi) and diamond-on-oxide (DOI) wafers. UNCD Wafers are for MEMS development, nano imprint lithography applications and other wafers scales applications where the superior properties of diamond may be leveraged. ADT is a World Economic Forum 2007 Technology Pioneer, chosen for a 2007 Frost & Sullivan award and a winner of a 2008 R&D 100 Award.
Advanced Energy develops innovative power and control technologies that enable high-growth, plasma thin-film manufacturing processes worldwide, including semiconductors, flat panel displays, data storage products, solar cells, architectural glass, and other advanced product applications.
One of the leading microprocessor manufacturers, the company is developing and manufacturing sub-100 nm processor designs.
Advanced Nano-Coatings, Inc is a producer of high performance, VOC (volatile organic compounds), compliant epoxy coatings to protect wood, steel and concrete buildings and structures. ANC Multifunctional Coating is a high performance, 100% solid, multifunctional epoxy coating with many uses including the encapsulation of asbestos, marine applications, power generation, gas transmission, and wastewater treatment facilities.
Advanced Optical Technologies is committed to world-class research and development in a variety of areas in physical optics such as design and characterization of nanostructured optical coatings and polymer films.
Advanced Research Systems offers complete cryogenic solutions for low-temperature research, from 1.5 K to 800 K.
The company has developed a novel Solution Derived Nanocomposite (SDN) technology that allows for low-cost/high-throughput nanocomposite multifunctional coatings deposition on practically any type/shape/material substrate.
Manufacturer of precision motion control and positioning systems and components including automated nanopositioners, linear and rotary and lift stages, brushless linear and rotary servomotors and drives, single- and multi-axis motion controllers.
The company develops and markets innovative AFM products and components for research, development, OEMs and education.
Agilent's nanotechnology instruments allow to image, manipulate, and characterize a wide variety of nanoscale behaviors - electrical, chemical, biological, molecular, and atomic.