Nanotechnology Products, Applications & Instruments


Showing results 41 - 50 of 397 of companies in USA:

Development, manufacture and supply of high-performance image acquisition and analysis systems for the global semiconductor and life science industries.
Manufactures nano-engineered thermal barrier coatings.
The company's goal is to provide a complete resource for Thermal Spray (TS) technology to industry. APS provides innovative thermal spray solutions for a wide range of needs in surface modification.
Arcnano employs state of the art manufacturing technologies and processes in a wide variety of disciplines spanning clean room wafer scale fabrication, precision machined parts, complex materials and electronics to make sensors, systems and mission critical components. Arcnano serves the semiconductor, photonics, data storage, medical, military, aerospace, instrumentation, and national laboratory markets.
The company manufactures research-grade Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) systems for a variety of coating applications . Our systems, such as the GEM-D2, are designed to deposit defect free resistive and emissive coatings that are perfectly uniform in thickness, even deep inside high aspect ratio (HAR) structures such as Microchannel Plates or Channel Electron Multipliers. The ability to deposit such high quality films on substrates with ultra-high aspect ratios is a key feature of ARRADIANCE systems.
Manufacturer of aerogels for thermal insulation products.
Asylum Research is a technology leader for atomic force and scanning probe microscopy (AFM/SPM) for a wide range of applications including, polymers, energy storage, semiconductors, 2D materials, piezo and ferroelectrics, and biomaterials.
Authentication and anti-counterfeit technology.
Bangs Laboratories, Inc. is a supplier of uniform polymeric and silica nano- and microsphere products for diagnostic, research, and flow cytometry applications.
Benchmark Technologies and its fabrication partner, Holographix LTD have teamed up to provide a complete solution for delivering replicated nano imprint templates.