Posted: February 16, 2007

Nanotechnology and health care

(Nanowerk News) A new addition to the excellent CNRS Sagascience collection is "Nanotechnologies and Healthcare" (in French). CNRS is the National Center for Scientific Research in France.
Accessible on the CNRS web-site, the file brings together around forty scientists from very different horizons: chemists, biologists, physicists, doctors. Over one hundred and fifty photos and illustrations, films, educational tools, interviews with scientists, a bibliography? are all available in order to help us discover, or get to know better, the world of nanotechnology as it applies to health care. Aimed at the general public, this file allows users to gather information and satisfy their curiosity in a fun and interactive way.
The presentation covers questions like How can one observe and make objects on a nanometric scale? What industrial, economic and societal impacts are these new technologies going to have, or have they already had? What therapeutic advances can we expect? How can nanotechnologies help the medical field diagnose diseases? Where does one already find nanomaterials in our daily lives? How can we best respond to the concerns and questions of the general public?
Source: CNRS