Posted: July 16, 2010

Nanoinformatics 2010: A collaborative roadmapping workshop

(Nanowerk News) Save the Date for Nanoinformatics 2010! A collaborative roadmapping and workshop project, Nanoinformatics 2010 will take place from November 3 – 5 in Washington, D.C. This workshop will bring together informatics experts, nanotechnology researchers and policy makers, and other stakeholders and potential contributors to jointly develop a comprehensive roadmap for the area of nanoinformatics.
Nanoinformatics 2010 is designed to survey the landscape, generate a roadmap, and stimulate collaborative activities in the area of nanoinformatics. By doing so, it will accelerate the responsible development and use of nanotechnology. Workshop themes include:
  • Data Collection and Curation
  • Tools for Innovation, Analysis, and Simulation
  • Data Accessibility and Information Sharing
  • Nanoinformatics is the science and practice of determining which information is relevant to the nanoscale science and engineering community, while developing and implementing effective mechanisms for collecting, validating, storing, sharing, analyzing, and applying that information. Nanoinformatics also involves the utilization of networked communication tools to launch and support efficient communities of practice. Nanoinformatics is necessary for intelligent development and comparative characterization of nanomaterials, for design and use of optimized nanodevices and nanosystems, and for development of advanced instrumentation and manufacturing processes. Nanoinformatics also fosters efficient scientific discovery and learning through data mining and machine learning techniques.
    The deadline for paper and poster abstracts is September 15, 2010. Abstract submission and registration information will be available soon at:
    Nanoinformatics 2010 is open to all members of the nanoinformatics community and will be organized and governed by that community.
    Source: National Nanomanufacturing Network