Posted: Sep 09, 2010 |
Workshop: Multicellular assemblies - architectures, properties, engineering
(Nanowerk News) A one day workshop organized by the Observatory for Micro and Nanotechnologies (CNRS-CEA, France), titled Multicellular assemblies : Architectures, Properties, Engineering, will take place on october 20, 2010 in Paris.
The properties of populations of cells are largely conditioned by the cell-cell and cell-environment interactions, conferring them unique features whose study greatly benefits from the use of micro-technologies. In return, these technologies are of great interest to engineer tissues in a first attempt to reproduce the structure and function of organs.
This one-day workshop will gather internationally recognized researchers working on different aspects of these multicellular assemblies. Speakers will cover a large spectrum outlining the various length scales involved in the architectures and mechanical properties of tissues, as well as the influence of their physical environment.
The Observatory for Micro and NanoTechnologies (France) aims at performing a strategic watch based on a network of more than 300 experts in different fields within Micro and NanoTechnologies.