Posted: Sep 19, 2010

Early harvest of research results on nanosafety

(Nanowerk News) Last April, the Institute for Health and Consumer Protection (ICHP) Nanobiosciences Unit of the Joint Research Centre (JRC), of the European Commission organised a 2-day workshop to present an overview of various aspects of hazard, exposure and risk assessment of nanomaterials.
The Joint CASG-Nano and ENPRA Workshop on Early Harvest of Research Results on Nanosafety, held in Ispra the 14-15th of April 2010, intended to present and share among participants the state-of-the-art of key areas of nanosafety from finalised and ongoing research projects, to support the initiatives to implement European chemical legislation REACH for nanomaterials (NM).
Three cornerstones of the current international work about NM were discussed within breakout sessions, that grouped experts participating in the meeting:
1) measurement, characterisation and categorisation;
2) exposure measurement and mitigation;
3) toxicity and ecotoxicity.
The Workshop was organized by the Nanobiosciences Unit of the European Commission's Institute for Health and Consumer Protection at the Joint Research Centre (IHCP/JRC) together with the Unit Chemicals-REACH of Directorate General Enterprise and Industry (DG ENTR).
Invited participants included: CASG Nano (Competent Authorities Sub Group on Nanomaterials) members and observers, specifically nominated experts to follow the REACH Implementation Projects on Nanomaterials (RIP-oNs) 2 and 3, the Institute of Occupational Medicine (IOM) led consortium for developing the RIPoN2-3, ENPRA (Engineered Nanoparticles Risk Assessment, FP7 Project) partners, NanoTEST (FP 7 Project) partners, and other key research projects as well as members of the OECD Secretariat and its Working Party of manufactured Nanomaterials (WPMN).
Source: Institute for Health and Consumer Protection