Nanotechnology in the agri-food industry: Applications, opportunities and challenges

(Nanowerk News) Nanotechnology has emerged as a technological advancement that has the potential to develop and transform the entire agrifood sector, offering opportunities to increase global food production, in addition to the nutritional value, quality and safety of food and reduce waste. Though there is concern over safety and regulation of emerging technologies in addition to negative public opinion as in the case for GMOs which may prevent its uptake by the agri-food industries.
This workshop is dedicated to raising awareness of the potential applications of nanotechnology in the agri-food sector (including feed & food ingredients, intelligent packaging and clever detection systems), examining factors influencing consumer acceptance and improving understanding of the potential impacts of nanotechnology across the agri-food sector on the island of Ireland.
On January 9, 2014, safefood, the Institute for Global Food Security, Queen's University Belfast, and Teagasc Food Research Centre organized a workshop Nanotechnology in the agri-food industry: Applications, opportunities and challenges.
Source: Teagasc