Nanotechnology Research - Universities


Showing results 511 - 520 of 523 for universities in :

The MacDiarmid Institute is New Zealand's premier research organisation concerned with high quality research and research education in materials science and nanotechnology.
Wageningen BioNT at the University of Wageningen is active in the fundamental science and technology of micro- and nanosystems and their applications in food and health. The centre helps companies to utilize the opportunities of micro- and nanotechnology to improve our food and prevent health problems.
Backed by the establishment of Center of Excellence as a hub research center and the enhancement of research facilities, the Department of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering has created an environment that provides powerful support for nanoscience and nanoengineering, alongside industry-academy partnerships.
The Functional Nanomaterials and Electrochemistry group, under the leadership of Prof. Israel Rubinstein, focuses its research in the general area of nanochemistry, namely the preparation, study and applications of novel architectures controlled on the nanometer scale.
The group is interested in developing new molecular and nanoscale approaches to both understanding chemical and physical properties of materials (inorganic, organic and biological) as well as to the production and assembly of new materials and devices exhibiting interesting phenomena and useful applications. Their research emphasizes the role of intermolecular forces in chemistry, as the basis for both molecular recognition and molecular assembly.
The group of Dan Oron is concerned with nonlinear optical properties of plasmonic nanostructures, dynamics of multiply excited multicomponent semiconductor quantum dots, development of far-field sub-diffraction-limited imaging techniques, and nanoparticle-based nonlinear microscopy techniques.
The group is investigating chemical and physical properties of matter at the nanoscale. They are particularly interested in new approaches to the synthesis of nanocrystals: self-assembly of nanoparticles; organic nanostructures; supramolecular chemistry; chemical reactivity in confined spaces; molecular switches; and stimuli-responsive materials.
The research of the lab interfaces with condensed matter physics, materials science, and biophysics. Current research projects involve the development of synthesis and crystal growth of novel carbon materials such as carbon nanotubes and fullerenes.
The group focuses on developing the next-generation nanoparticle system in which various components are integrated to show multitasking and enhanced chemical and physical properties.