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Making sustainability policies sustainable

Sweeping environmental policies come with hidden challenges - not only striving to achieve sustainability and benefit the environment - but over time ensuring the program itself can endure.

Nov 30th, 2012

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Clearest evidence yet of polar ice losses

After two decades of satellite observations, an international team of experts brought together by ESA and NASA has produced the most accurate assessment of ice losses from Antarctica and Greenland to date. This study finds that the combined rate of ice sheet melting is increasing.

Nov 30th, 2012

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Carbon dioxide could reduce crop yields

The carbon dioxide content of the atmosphere continues to climb and heat up the climate. The gas is, however, indispensable for plants, as they use the carbon it provides to form glucose and other important substances. Therefore, the more carbon dioxide the better? The equation is unfortunately not as simple as that.

Nov 30th, 2012

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Greener storage for green energy

To give renewals a fighting chance, a team led by engineers and chemists at Harvard University will use a one-year, $600,000 innovation grant from the U.S. Department of Energy's Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) program to develop a new type of storage battery.

Nov 29th, 2012

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Turning wasteland into energy producers

Recent decades have seen an increase in saline environments due to human activities. Being able to exploit such wastelands for energy production was the subject of the Biosafor project.

Nov 29th, 2012

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Organic photovoltaics on steel

Research alliance to investigate the incorporation of organic photovoltaics into flat steel products for use in the construction industry.

Nov 29th, 2012

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