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Will climate change cause water conflict?

A team of international researchers from 14 institutions have met this week to present and debate the results of a 3-year study on water, conflict and security in the Mediterranean, Middle East and Sahel region in Africa.

Dec 14th, 2012

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Study fuels insight into conversion of wood to bio-oil

New research from North Carolina State University provides molecular-level insights into how cellulose - the most common organic compound on Earth and the main structural component of plant cell walls - breaks down in wood to create 'bio-oils' which can be refined into any number of useful products, including liquid transportation fuels to power a car or an airplane.

Dec 14th, 2012

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A major step in wireless recharging of electric vehicles

TECNALIA has developed a system for wireless recharging of electric car batteries, just like the batteries of toothbrushes are being recharged. The system has a device located in the floor which transmits electricity to another, receptor element in the vehicle.

Dec 13th, 2012

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New wave of wind energy

An offshore wind test turbine has been erected behind the University of Maine Advanced Structures and Composites Center on campus to evaluate sensor systems and controls in preparation for the installation of a floating turbine in the Gulf of Maine this spring as part of the DeepCwind Consortium project.

Dec 11th, 2012

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