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3D printing tiny parts for big impact

Researchers have developed a technology to print millimeter-sized products with details at the micron scale - objects you can see with the naked eye, but whose details you'll likely have to squint to make out.

Jun 3rd, 2021

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3D printing using electron beams

Researchers have been researching alternative methods for producing high-performance metal alloys. Instead of laser beams, they use high-energy electron beams, like those commonly used in scanning electron microscopy.

May 7th, 2021

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Energy-saving gas turbines from the 3D printer

3D printing process often induces internal stress in the components which can in the worst case lead to cracks. Now a research team has succeeded in using neutrons for non-destructive detection of this internal stress - a key achievement for the improvement of the production processes.

Apr 26th, 2021

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