Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Playing pool with atoms

The scientist who developed the world's most sensitive spectrometer for identifying atoms on a material's surface came to Lehigh recently to give a talk at the only U.S. lab that is equipped with his cutting-edge instrument.

Apr 22nd, 2011

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Say hello to cheaper hydrogen fuel cells

Los Alamos National Laboratory scientists have developed a way to avoid the use of expensive platinum in hydrogen fuel cells, the environmentally friendly devices that might replace current power sources in everything from personal data devices to automobiles.

Apr 21st, 2011

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Complex 3D-nano patterns with indentation lithography and piezo technology

A collaboration between the Whitesides Group at Harvard University and CSM Instruments has culminated in an important advance in lithography of different materials at the nanoscale. The motivation for this development was the ability to produce unique lithographical patterns of different shapes and sizes for use in research applications (e.g. lab-on-a-chip) where conventional techniques such as electron-beam lithography (EBL) and photolithography cannot be used.

Apr 21st, 2011

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The emergence of North Carolina as a nanobiotechnology hub

The tools of nanobiotechnology have wide-ranging commercial impact on fields that include pharma, medtech, textiles, agriculture, consumer products and many more. There are many hotbeds of nanobiotech innovation, and North Carolina has emerged as a leader in nanobiotech research, development and commercialization.

Apr 21st, 2011

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Researchers construct RNA nanoparticles to safely deliver long-lasting therapy to cells

Nanotechnology researchers have known for years that RNA, the cousin of DNA, is a promising tool for nanotherapy, in which therapeutic agents can be delivered inside the body via nanoparticles. But the difficulties of producing long-lasting, therapeutic RNA that remains stable and non-toxic while entering targeted cells have posed challenges for their progress. Now, researchers detail successful methods of producing large RNA nanoparticles and testing their safety in the delivery of therapeutics to targeted cells.

Apr 21st, 2011

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