Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

UAlbany NanoCollege presents weeklong series of 'Nano in the Mall' programs for National NanoDays 2011

The growing impact of nanotechnology on society, including the role of nanoscale education, research and development in health care, clean energy, the environment and electronics, is the focus of a "Nano in the Mall" community outreach initiative presented by the College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering (CNSE) of the University at Albany in conjunction with National NanoDays 2011.

Mar 28th, 2011

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New ERC initiative helps scientists to bring their research much closer to market

Innovation is high on the EU agenda, and the European Research Council (ERC) is helping secure this target by introducing a new funding initiative called 'Proof of Concept'. Under this new initiative, funded under the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7), researchers who have already secured ERC grants could receive up to EUR 150,000 each to bring their research much closer to market.

Mar 28th, 2011

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Next-generation chemical mapping on the nanoscale

A pixel is worth a thousand words? Not exactly how the saying goes, but in this case, it holds true: scientists at Berkeley Lab's Molecular Foundry have pioneered a new chemical mapping method that provides unprecedented insight into materials at the nanoscale.

Mar 28th, 2011

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Data density in random access memory could be radically increased

Scientists from the Forschungszentrum Juelich and the Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics in Halle have discovered the basis for the next generation of memory devices. In a ferroelectric material, they have, for the first time, been able to observe directly how dipoles, which store the information in this material, continuously rotate and therefore may be organised in circular structures.

Mar 28th, 2011

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Heavy metals open path to high temperature nanomagnets and radically smaller storage

Magnets made of just a few metallic atoms could make it possible to build radically smaller storage devices and have also recently been proposed as components for spintronics devices. Now a chemistry student at the University of Copenhagen has demonstrated that molecular magnets using the metals ruthenium and osmium retain their magnetic properties at higher temperatures.

Mar 28th, 2011

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Biomimetische Haftstrukturen im Grossformat

Dass Geckos oder Spinnen an Waenden entlanglaufen oder kopfueber an der Decke haengen, liegt an den besonders kleinen Oberflaechenstrukturen ihrer Fuesse. Das rasche Haften und problemlose Abloesen durch diese Strukturen inspiriert Wissenschaftler dazu, diese Faehigkeiten kuenstlich im Labor nachzustellen. Den Forschern am INM - Leibniz-Institut fuer Neue Materialien ist es gelungen, diese kuenstliche Struktur mit einem speziellen Verfahren auf Folien beliebiger Laenge mit einem knappen Meter Breite zu bringen.

Mar 28th, 2011

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