Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Vortices get organized

Exotic entities that arrange into a crystalline structure at near room-temperature could lead to a new approach to electronic memory.

Feb 25th, 2011

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Nanoscale heart imaging doesn't miss a beat

Technological advances give the medical sector a huge boost, with people suffering from various disorders benefiting the most. A European team of researchers has developed a novel nanoscale scanning technique that gives experts a detailed look at how heart failure impacts the surface of a person's heart muscle cell.

Feb 25th, 2011

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Engineering atomic interfaces for new electronics

For an electron moving from one material toward the other, this space is where it can join other electrons, which together can create current, magnetism or even light. A multi-institutional team has made fundamental discoveries at the border regions, called interfaces, between oxide materials. The team has discovered how to manipulate electrons oxide interfaces by inserting a single layer of atoms. The researchers also have discovered unusual electron behaviors at these engineered interfaces.

Feb 24th, 2011

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Researchers create capacitor effect for magnetricity

Researchers at the London Centre for Nanotechnology have created a purely magnetic version of one of the basic effects of electronics - the storage and release of charge in a capacitor. This follows their demonstration last year of the existence of a magnetic equivalent of electricity: so-called "magnetricity".

Feb 24th, 2011

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Etched quantum dots shape up as single photon emitters

Like snowflakes or fingerprints, no two quantum dots are identical. But a new etching method for shaping and positioning these semiconductor nanocrystals might change that. What's more, tests at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) confirm that etched quantum dots emit single particles of light (photons), boosting prospects for powering new types of devices for quantum communications.

Feb 23rd, 2011

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Quantum hot potato: Researchers entice two atoms to swap smallest energy units

Physicists at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) have for the first time coaxed two atoms in separate locations to take turns jiggling back and forth while swapping the smallest measurable units of energy. By directly linking the motions of two physically separated atoms, the technique has the potential to simplify information processing in future quantum computers and simulations.

Feb 23rd, 2011

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