Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Imec and PEIRA develop platform for in-vitro study of brain tissue

The nanoelectronics research centre imec and Peira, a Belgium-based manufacturer of pharmaceutical and chemical research instruments, jointly developed an innovative slice-tilting instrument for in-vitro research on brain tissue. The new tool enables long-term studying of brain cultures through electronic stimulation and read-out, essential in getting insight into the functioning of the brain.

Nov 17th, 2010

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Limited response to Australian nanomaterials information call

Seven companies reported using six nanomaterials in response to a voluntary information call in 2008 by Australia's National Industrial Notification and Assessment Scheme (NICNAS), in contrast to 22 companies reporting on 21 types of nanomaterial two years earlier.

Nov 17th, 2010

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Nanotechnology research directions for societal needs in 2020

A new report, 'Nanotechnology Research Directions for Societal Needs in 2020' outlines the foundational knowledge and infrastructure development in the last decade, the current $15 billion in R+D programs underpinning about $250 billion of products incorporating nanoscale components in the world in 2009, and the likely evolution towards a general purpose technology by 2020.

Nov 17th, 2010

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An anticipatory governance approach to carbon nanotubes

Because environmental and health information on carbon nanotubes is incomplete and sometimes conflicting, an 'anticipatory governance' approach to the technology is needed, according to Mark Philbrick, post-doctoral researcher at the Center of Integrated Nanomechanical Systems at the University of California, Berkeley.

Nov 16th, 2010

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DNA weaving - Two-dimensional crystals from DNA origami tiles

DNA is an outstanding nanoscale building material, as researchers led by Ned Seeman discovered thirty years ago. Seeman and his colleagues at the New York University have now used cross-shaped DNA tiles to produce an amazingly large grid structure that resembles woven fabric.

Nov 16th, 2010

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A new twist for nanopillar light collectors

Researchers were able to produce nanopillars that absorb light as well or even better than commercial thin-film solar cells, using far less semiconductor material and without the need for anti-reflective coating.

Nov 16th, 2010

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Positionspapier der Deutschen Gesetzlichen Unfallversicherung zur Nanotechnologie

In einem Positionspapier zum verantwortungsvollen Umgang mit Nanomaterialien (greift die DGUV die Empfehlungen der Nanokommission auf und legt ihre Handlungsfelder fuer zielgerichtete Praeventionsaktivitaeten fest. Dabei empfiehlt es sich, den Arbeitsschutzgedanken bereits bei der Etablierung von Nanotechnologien in den Unternehmen zu verankern.

Nov 16th, 2010

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Artificial black holes made with metamaterials

While our direct knowledge of black holes in the universe is limited to what we can observe from thousands or millions of light years away, a team of Chinese physicists has proposed a simple way to design an artificial electromagnetic (EM) black hole in the laboratory.

Nov 16th, 2010

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'Chaogates' hold promise for the semiconductor industry

In a move that holds great significance for the semiconductor industry, a team of researchers has created an alternative to conventional logic gates, demonstrated them in silicon, and dubbed them 'chaogates'. Simply put, they used chaotic patterns to encode and manipulate inputs to produce a desired output.

Nov 16th, 2010

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