Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Kleine Teilchen - grosse Wirkung?

'NanoMed - Toxikologische Charakterisierung von Nanomaterialien fuer die diagnostische Bildgebung in der Medizin' heisst ein neues Forschungsprojekt, das das Bundesministerium fuer Bildung und Forschung mit fast zwei Millionen Euro Gesamtvolumen finanziert.

Oct 13th, 2010

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Embedded rods

Chitin-silicon dioxide nanocomposite made by self-organization and sol-gel chemistry.

Oct 13th, 2010

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Striding towards a new dawn for electronics

Conductive polymers are plastic materials with high electrical conductivity that promise to revolutionize a wide range of products including TV displays, solar cells, and biomedical sensors. A team of McGill University researchers now reports how to visualize and study the process of energy transport along one single conductive polymer molecule at a time, a key step towards bringing these exciting new applications to market.

Oct 13th, 2010

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Modeling shows that factors beyond crowding affect how molecules interact within cells

Using large-scale computer simulations, researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology have identified the most important factors affecting how molecules move through the crowded environment inside living cells. The findings suggest that perturbations caused by hydrodynamic interactions - similar to what happens when the wake from a large boat affects smaller boats on a lake - may be the most important factor in this intracellular diffusion.

Oct 12th, 2010

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Elsevier announces publishing of The Journal of Molecular Diagnostics

Elsevier, publisher of scientific, technical and medical information products and services, is pleased to announce that as of January 2011 Elsevier will publish The Journal of Molecular Diagnostics (JMD) in partnership with the Association for Molecular Pathology (AMP) and the American Society for Investigative Pathology (ASIP).

Oct 12th, 2010

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