Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Engineers turn the stickiness of gold nanoparticles into an advantage

One property of gold nanoparticles stands in the way of many nanotechnological developments: They're sticky. Gold nanoparticles can be engineered to attract specific biomolecules, but they also stick to many other unintended particles - often making them inefficient at their designated task. MIT researchers have found a way to turn this drawback into an advantage.

Jun 11th, 2010

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Programmierbares DNA Nanopartikel-Ventil setzt gezielt Wirkstoffe frei

Damit die Dosis eines Medikaments kuenftig so niedrig wie therapeutisch moeglich gehalten werden kann, sollen die Wirkstoffe in Zukunft direkt zum Zielort im Organismus transportiert und dort erst freigesetzt werden. Dafuer sollen sie in Nanopartikel eingeschlossen werden, die ihre Fracht nur bei einem bestimmten pH-Wert, einer definierten Temperatur oder unter anderen spezifischen Bedingungen freigeben.

Jun 11th, 2010

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'Smart' underpants may save lives

Printed on the waistband and in constant contact with the skin is an electronic biosensor, designed to measure blood pressure, heart rate and other vital signs.

Jun 11th, 2010

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Scientists glimpse the motion of electrons in molecules

Physicists in Europe have successfully glimpsed the motion of electrons in molecules. The results are a major boon for the research world. Knowing how electrons move within molecules will facilitate observations and fuel our understanding of chemical reactions.

Jun 10th, 2010

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SEMATECH achieves submicron 3D IC bond alignment results

Researchers from SEMATECH's 3D Interconnect program based at the College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering's Albany NanoTech Complex have reported advances in wafer-to-wafer bonding alignment accuracies through a series of tool and process hardening improvements.

Jun 10th, 2010

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