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Gespeicherte R�ntgenphotonen - Edelstahl k�nnte in Zukunft Daten speichern

R�ntgenstrahlen in einer Box 'auf Eis zu legen' und sp�ter nach Belieben wieder freizusetzen, klingt nach Science Fiction. Neue Rechnungen zeigen jedoch, dass mithilfe eines Magnetfelds einzelne R�ntgenquanten eingefangen und ohne Qualit�tsverlust wiedergewonnen werden k�nnen. Ausserdem ist es m�glich, das gespeicherte R�ntgenquant zu manipulieren, insbesondere seine Phase kontrolliert zu �ndern.

Nov 13th, 2012

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'Strain tuning' reveals promise in nanoscale manufacturing

Researchers at the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory have reported progress in fabricating advanced materials at the nanoscale. The spontaneous self-assembly of nanostructures composed of multiple elements paves the way toward materials that could improve a range of energy efficient technologies and data storage devices.

Nov 12th, 2012

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For energy-storage devices, thin is in

Cell phones as thin and flex�ible as a sheet of paper. Energy-??storing house paint. Roll-??up touch screen dis�plays. But if any of them is to work, said North�eastern Uni�ver�sity mechan�ical and indus�trial engi�neering pro�fessor Yung Joon Jung, experts also need to create a thin and flex�ible energy-??storage system. His lab has devel�oped such a system.

Nov 12th, 2012

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1,5 Millionen Euro f�r die optische Nanotechnologie

Kieler Wissenschaftlerin holt ERC Starting Grant nach Schleswig-Holstein: PhotoSmart hei�t das Projekt, das ab Mitte n�chsten Jahres mit 1,5 Millionen Euro aus dem F�rdertopf des European Research Councils (ERC Starting Grant) gef�rdert wird.

Nov 12th, 2012

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Making a better invisibility cloak

The first functional 'cloaking' device reported by Duke University electrical engineers in 2006 worked like a charm, but it wasn't perfect. Now a member of that laboratory has developed a new design that ties up one of the major loose ends from the original device.

Nov 11th, 2012

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