Posted: November 2, 2007

Enter the NanoLands nanotechnology challenge in Second Life

(Nanowerk News) You probably remember our little "Nanotechnology in Second Life" story from a few weeks ago. Today, NanoLands, the nanoscience and nanotechnology hub of Second Life, sponsored by the UL's National Physical Laboratory (NPL), unveiled an exciting new program: The NanoLands Challenge.
NPL is challenging you to imagine and build an interesting exhibit about nanoscience or nanotechnology – and if your idea has merit, then NPL will award you $400 or $700 US dollars (real U.S. dollars, for whatever they still might be worth today, not Linden dollars).
Bullet proof t-shirts with carbon nanotubes
Example Exhibit: Methane Flowing Through a Carbon Nanotube
You can submit more than one application and there is no fixed deadline – applications are judged as they come in. Award money will be given once the exhibit is completed and accepted by NPL.
If you already are a Resident then you can use this SLurl to teleport to Nanotechnology Island.
Source: NPL