Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Frequency comb helps evaluate novel biomedical decontamination method

Researchers at JILA, operated jointly by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the University of Colorado Boulder, are using a frequency comb to identify specific molecules in gases based on which colors of light, or comb "teeth", are absorbed by the gas, and in what amounts.

Jun 14th, 2012

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Unlocking the nanoscale secrets of bird-feather colors

A new X-ray analysis of the structure of feathers from 230 bird species, led by Vinod Saranathan of Oxford University's Department of Zoology, has revealed the nanostructures behind certain colours of feather, structures that could inspire new photonic devices.

Jun 14th, 2012

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Efficacy of protective gloves against nanoparticles

In view of the need to use individual means of protection, researchers at the �cole de technologie sup�rieure, �cole Polytechnique, Universit� de Montr�al and Institut de recherche Robert-Sauv� en sant� et en s�curit� du travail (IRSST) have developed a method for measuring the efficacy of the materials used to make gloves that protect the wearer against nanoparticles.

Jun 14th, 2012

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Billion-euro research race enters closing stage

EU scientists and member states will decide over the next six months which future high-tech industries - from a choice including robot servants and nano clothing - should receive a 1 billion euro European funding boost.

Jun 14th, 2012

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