Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Turning to nature for inspiration - Bio-inspired sensors hold promise

To build the next generation of sensors - with applications ranging from medical devices to robotics to new consumer goods - Chang Liu looks to biology. By creating artificial hair cells using micro- and nanofabrication technology, Liu's group is increasing sensor performance while deepening the understanding of how different creatures use these sensors.

Feb 19th, 2011

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Printed electronics - the roadmaps were wrong

Earlier roadmaps for printed electronics have been almost entirely erroneous. It is not primarily about cost reduction, nor is there a trend towards organic versions taking over most applications. It is no longer focussed mainly on improving existing products. It targets doing what was previously impossible to create radically different consumer propositions.

Feb 18th, 2011

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Improved calcium supplement derived from crustacean shells

Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU) researchers have developed a unique technology that stabilizes an otherwise unstable form of calcium carbonate. This mineral form provides significantly higher biological absorption and retention rates than other sources presently used as dietary calcium supplements.

Feb 18th, 2011

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International Science and Engineering Visualization Challenge

Some of science's most powerful statements are not made in words. From the diagrams of DaVinci to Rosalind Franklin's X-rays, visualization of research has a long and literally illustrious history. To illustrate is to enlighten. The National Science Foundation (NSF) and the journal Science created the International Science and Engineering Visualization Challenge to celebrate that grand tradition - and to encourage its continued growth.

Feb 18th, 2011

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Uni Marburg testet neue Generation von Lichtmikroskopen

Die Philipps-Universitaet Marburg weitet die Kooperation mit Leica Microsystems aus: Derzeit testet das Institut fuer Zytobiologie als eines von weltweit vier Instituten ein Mikroskop mit einer Aufloesung weit unterhalb der Beugungsgrenze (Nanoskope).

Feb 18th, 2011

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World's first certified reference material for nanoparticle size analysis

The European Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC) has developed the world's first certified nanoparticle reference material based on industry-sourced nanoparticles. This new material will help ensure the comparability of measurements worldwide, thereby facilitating trade, ensuring compliance with legislation and enhancing innovation.

Feb 18th, 2011

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Scientists build world's first anti-laser

More than 50 years after the invention of the laser, scientists at Yale University have built the world's first anti-laser, in which incoming beams of light interfere with one another in such a way as to perfectly cancel each other out. The discovery could pave the way for a number of novel technologies with applications in everything from optical computing to radiology.

Feb 17th, 2011

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EPA awards $5.5 million to support nanotechnology research

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has awarded $5.5 million to three consortia to support innovative research on nanotechnology. EPA, in collaboration with the United Kingdom's Natural Environment Research Council, are leading this scientific research effort to better understand the potential risks to people's heath and the environment. The scientific information developed from the research can help guide EPA and other agencies in decisions about the safety of new materials and products that are made using nanotechnology.

Feb 17th, 2011

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Improving microscopy by following the astronomers' guide star

A corrective strategy used by astronomers to sharpen images of celestial bodies can now help scientists see with more depth and clarity into the living brain of a mouse. Eric Betzig, a group leader at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute's Janelia Farm Research Campus, will present his team's latest work using adaptive optics for biology at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Washington, D.C.

Feb 17th, 2011

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