Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Contrast agent for tumor diagnostics

Scientists have introduced a novel contrast agent that marks tumor cells in vitro. The dye is a phosphorescent ruthenium complex incorporated into nanoparticles of a metal-organic coordination polymer, which allows an extraordinarily high level of dye loading.

Mar 23rd, 2011

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Novel, highly sensitive sensor spots three modes of selectivity

A highly sensitive sensor that combines a variety of testing means (electrochemistry, spectroscopy and selective partitioning) into one device has been developed at the University of Cincinnati. It's already been tested in a variety of settings - including testing for components in nuclear waste.

Mar 23rd, 2011

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Neutron analysis yields insight into bacteria for solar energy

Structural studies of some of nature's most efficient light-harvesting systems are lighting the way for new generations of biologically inspired solar cell devices. Researchers from Washington University in St. Louis and the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory used small-angle neutron scattering to analyze the structure of chlorosomes in green photosynthetic bacteria.

Mar 23rd, 2011

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Forum to promote creating jobs through nanotechnology innovation

Building on the success of the past two years, the N.C. Office of Science and Technology will host the 2011 N.C. Nanotechnology Commercialization Conference at the UNC Charlotte Barnhardt Student Center on March 29-30. The third annual conference brings together entrepreneurs, business leaders, researchers, and investors to accelerate the commercialization of nanotechnology and drive economic development.

Mar 23rd, 2011

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Sticking power: new adhesive earns patent, could find place in space

A recently patented adhesive made by Kansas State University researchers could become a staple in every astronaut's toolbox. The patent, "pH dependent adhesive peptides", covers an adhesive made from peptides -- a compound containing two or more amino acids that link together -- that increases in strength as moisture is removed.

Mar 23rd, 2011

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Genes mimic Facebook workings

Scientists at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) and the German Cancer Research Centre (DKFZ) in Heidelberg in Germany have developed a method to uncover the combined effects of genes. The method should help scientists understand how different genes can amplify, cancel out or mask the effects of each other.

Mar 23rd, 2011

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Nanomodified surfaces seal leg implants against infection

Researchers at Brown may have come across the right formula to deter bacterial migrants. The group reports two ways in which it modified the surface of titanium leg implants to promote skin cell growth, thereby creating a natural skin layer and sealing the gap where the device has been implanted into the body. The researchers also created a molecular chain to sprinkle skin-growing proteins on the implant to hasten skin growth.

Mar 22nd, 2011

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Cheap catalyst made easy with carbon nanotubes

Catalysts made of carbon nanotubes dipped in a polymer solution equal the energy output and otherwise outperform platinum catalysts in fuel cells, a team of Case Western Reserve University engineers has found.

Mar 22nd, 2011

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High efficiency infrared photodetectors using gold nanorods

Toyohashi Tech researchers develop an innovative infrared photodetector exploiting 'plasmon resonance' at the surface of gold nanorods, which enhances the density of photoelectrons excited over the Schottky barrier. This technology shows potential as the basis for the development of high efficiency infra-red photodetectors for optical communications systems.

Mar 22nd, 2011

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