Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Transporter protein study delivers a world first

A team of EU-funded researchers has become the first in the world to work out the structure of a transporter protein in all three main structural states. Transporter proteins are responsible for ferrying substances into and out of cells and the new findings could lead to new drugs for a range of diseases and disorders.

Apr 23rd, 2010

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World's smallest 3D map demonstrates improved nanofabrication technique

IBM scientists have created a 3D map of the earth so small that 1,000 of them could fit on one grain of salt. The scientists accomplished this by means of a new, breakthrough technique that uses a tiny, silicon tip with a sharp apex - 100,000 times smaller than a sharpened pencil - to create patterns and structures as small as 15 nanometers at greatly reduced cost and complexity.

Apr 23rd, 2010

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DNA-Baukasten als Nanomotoren Konstruktionsmaterial

In die Nanomechanik kommt Bewegung. Wissenschaftlern der Universitaet Bonn ist es erstmals gelungen, aus DNA-Doppelstraengen ein Molekuel, ein so genanntes Rotaxan, herzustellen, dessen Einzelteile mechanisch frei beweglich sind.

Apr 23rd, 2010

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