Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Using nanotechnology in cancer research

Biomedical researchers in Bergen are applying nanotechnology to mimic the body's natural processes, create new blood vessels to supply engineered tissue, and deepen our understanding of cancer.

Mar 23rd, 2010

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The world's smallest microlaser

ETH-Zurich physicists have developed a new kind of laser that shatters the boundaries of possibility: it is by far the smallest electrically pumped laser in the world and one day could revolutionize chip technology.

Mar 23rd, 2010

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23 steps for a quantum walk

A team of scientists led by the Institute of Quantum Optics and Quantum Information (IQOQI) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences has successfully performed a quantum walk in a quantum system with up to 23 steps. \

Mar 23rd, 2010

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