Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Making solar cells is like buttering bread

Formamidinium lead iodide is a very good material for photovoltaic cells, but getting the correct and stable crystal structure is a challenge. The techniques developed so far have produced rather poor results. Researchers have now cracked it - using a blade and a dipping solution.

Mar 21st, 2019

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In a new quantum simulator, light behaves like a magnet

Physicists propose a new 'quantum simulator': a laser-based device that can be used to study a wide range of quantum systems. Studying it, the researchers have found that photons can behave like magnetic dipoles at temperatures close to absolute zero, following the laws of quantum mechanics. The simple simulator can be used to better understand the properties of complex materials under such extreme conditions.

Mar 21st, 2019

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Engineers demonstrate metamaterials that can solve equations

This 'photonic calculus' would work by encoding parameters into the properties of an incoming electromagnetic wave and sending it through a metamaterial device; once inside, the device's unique structure would manipulate the wave in such a way that it would exit encoded with the solution to a pre-set integral equation for that arbitrary input.

Mar 21st, 2019

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Magnetic micro-boats

Researchers have created magnetic microparticles, with a newly developed method, that could pave the way for building micro-motors or guiding drugs in the human body to a target, like a tumor. The preparation of such structures as well as their remote-control can be regulated using magnetic fields and therefore can find application in an array of domains.

Mar 21st, 2019

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