Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Scientists write 'traps' for light with tiny ink droplets

A microscopic 'pen' that is able to write structures small enough to trap and harness light using a commercially available printing technique could be used for sensing, biotechnology, lasers, and studying the interaction between light and matter.

Oct 24th, 2017

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Researchers discover superconductor with bounce

Researchers have discovered super-elastic shape-memory properties in a material that could be applied for use as an actuator in the harshest of conditions, such as outer space, and might be the first in a whole new class of shape memory materials.

Oct 23rd, 2017

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Taming 'wild' electrons in graphene

Scientists have learned how to tame the unruly electrons in graphene, paving the way for the ultra-fast transport of electrons with low loss of energy in novel systems.

Oct 23rd, 2017

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