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Swarm of microprobes to head for Jupiter

A swarm of tiny probes each with a different sensor could be fired into the clouds of Jupiter and grab data as they fall before burning up in the gas giant planet's atmosphere. The probes would last an estimated 15 minutes.

Jan 26th, 2015

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Yes, black holes exist in gravitational theories with unbounded speeds of propagation

Gravitational theories with broken Lorentz invariance have attracted a great deal of interest as they provide a test-bed of LI and offer a mechanism to improve their ultraviolet behavior, so that the theories may be renormalizable. However in such theories, particles can travel with arbitrary velocities and black holes may not exist at all. In contrast to this expectation, it has been shown that an absolute horizon exists, which traps signals despite infinitely large velocities.

Jan 23rd, 2015

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Watching the birth of a comet magnetosphere

The RPC-ICA instrument onboard the Rosetta spacecraft has been watching the early stages of how a magnetosphere forms around Comet 67P Churyumov-Gerasimenko as it moves closer to the Sun along its orbit and begins to interact with the solar wind.

Jan 22nd, 2015

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Inside the big wormhole (w/video)

Based on the latest evidence and theories our galaxy could be a huge wormhole (or space-time tunnel) and, if that were true, it would be 'stable and navigable'. This is the hypothesis put forward in a new study.

Jan 21st, 2015

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Dawn - heading for icy Ceres

Planetary scientists may find a thick ice crust with an ocean underneath when the NASA Dawn spacecraft arrives at Ceres in March 2015.

Jan 20th, 2015

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Cosmic radio burst caught red-handed

A short, sharp flash of radio waves from a mysterious source up to 5.5 billion light years from Earth has been detected by the Parkes radio telescope in eastern Australia.

Jan 19th, 2015

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Square Kilometre Array: The cosmology engine

Scientists from around the world have joined forces to lay the foundations for an experiment of truly astronomical proportions: putting together the biggest map of the Universe ever made. The experiment will combine signals from hundreds of radio dishes to make cosmic atlas.

Jan 19th, 2015

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HiRISE camera spots long-lost space probe on Mars

On Christmas Day 2003, a kitchen table-size lander descended onto the surface of the red planet on a mission to study the Martian surface and potential clues for life. The probe never called home, and no one knew what happened to it. Until now.

Jan 16th, 2015

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