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The first X-ray diffraction measurements on Mars

In 2012 the Mars Science Laboratory landed in the fascinating Gale crater. The Gale crater is of such great interest because of the 5.5 km high mountain of layered materials in the middle. This material tells an intricate story of the history of Mars, perhaps spanning much of the existence of this mysterious planet.

Dec 8th, 2014

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Powering space craft of the future

The BAE Systems initiative seeks to find energy-saving and maximising solutions to enable eco-friendly aircraft to stay in space for long periods of time without the need to return to earth to re-fuel or to avoid carrying vast amounts of heavy fuel on long-stay journeys.

Dec 8th, 2014

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MASCOT en route to Asteroid 1999 JU3

Philae landed on a comet just three weeks ago; now, another German Aerospace Center lander mission has been launched - the Mobile Asteroid Surface Scout (MASCOT) is already on its way to Asteroid 1999 JU3.

Dec 4th, 2014

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Green Light for E-ELT Construction

At a recent meeting ESO's main governing body, the Council gave the green light for the construction of the European Extremely Large Telescope (E-ELT) in two phases.

Dec 4th, 2014

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Pulsars with black holes could hold the 'ho ly grail' of gravity

The intermittent light emitted by pulsars, the most precise timekeepers in the universe, allows scientists to verify Einstein's theory of relativity, especially when these objects are paired up with another neutron star or white dwarf that interferes with their gravity. However, this theory could be analysed much more effectively if a pulsar with a black hole were found, except in two particular cases, according to researchers.

Dec 4th, 2014

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Space travel is a bit safer than expected

Analysis of data from the MATROSHKA experiment, the first comprehensive measurements of long-term exposure of astronauts to cosmic radiation, has now been completed. This experiment, carried out on board and outside of the International Space Station, showed that the cosmos may be less hostile to space travelers than expected.

Dec 3rd, 2014

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