Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Roadmap points out the directions for quantum materials

Twenty-nine leading experts of materials science, quantum information, condensed-matter physics and related areas review the diverse materials and challenges in the field. The roadmap points out the directions in which new research is necessary, combining both fundamental and applied interests, such as quantum computing.

Sep 26th, 2020

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Bridging the gap between the magnetic and electronic properties of topological insulators

Scientists shed light on the relationship between the magnetic properties of topological insulators and their electronic band structure. Their experimental results shed new insights into recent debates regarding the evolution of the band structure with temperature in these materials, which exhibit unusual quantum phenomena and are envisioned to be crucial in next-generation electronics, spintronics, and quantum computers.

Sep 24th, 2020

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Dynamic tattoos promise to warn wearers of health threats

You can't walk into a doctor's office and get a dynamic tattoo yet, but they are on the way. Early proof-of-concept studies provide convincing evidence that tattoos can be engineered, not only to change color, but to sense and convey biomedical information, including the onset of cancer.

Sep 24th, 2020

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Scientists take a 'spin' onto magnetoresistive RAM

Magnetoresistive random access memory (MRAM) is the forerunning candidate for the next generation digital technology. However, manipulating MRAM efficiently and effectively has been challenging. A revolutionary breakthrough generates spin current to switch the pinned magnetic moments at will.

Sep 24th, 2020

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'Stretching rack' for cells

An ingenious device, only a few micrometers in size, enables to study the reaction of individual biological cells to mechanical stress.

Sep 24th, 2020

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