Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Increased efficiency for CIGS solar cells

Scientists at INM - Leibniz Institute for New Materials developed a barrier layer that separates the metal carrier from the absorber film and thus increases the efficiency of metal-based CIGS solar cells.

Feb 7th, 2011

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New way to grow microwires

Microwires made of silicon have a wide range of possible uses, including the production of solar cells that can harvest much more sunlight for a given amount of material than a conventional solar cell made from a thin wafer of silicon crystal. Now researchers from MIT and Penn State have found a way of producing such wires in quantity in a highly controlled way that could be scaled up to an industrial-scale process, potentially leading to practical commercial applications.

Feb 5th, 2011

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Nano-energy resesearcher wins Krill Prize

Ben-Gurion University of the Negev researcher Dr. Taleb Mokari, a member of the Ilse Katz Institute for Nanoscale Science and Technology, has been awarded a prestigious Krill Prize for Excellence in Scientific Research. Dr. Mokari received the Prize for his work on developing novel nanostructures for renewable energy applications.

Feb 4th, 2011

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Electric signals in the nose

The human olfactory system possesses a special electric amplification mechanism that enables olfactory cells to respond even to extremely weak stimuli. Scientists at Heidelberg University have now established how this mechanism works.

Feb 4th, 2011

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Nanomaterialien: Anwendungen im Umweltbereich

Das Landesanstalt fuer Umwelt, Messungen und Naturschutz Baden-Wuerttemberg hat eine neue Broschuere herausgegeben mit dem Titel "Nanomaterialien: Anwendungen im Umweltbereich". Diese Broschuere stellt Beispiele fuer den Einsatz von Nanomaterialien vor, die zu deutlichen Umweltentlastungen fuehren koennen.

Feb 4th, 2011

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