Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Quantum or not?

Mathematical equations can now resolve whether electron transport in nanostructures follows classical or quantum mechanical behavior.

Dec 17th, 2010

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Nanoparticles deliver one-two therapeutic punch to kill tumor cells

The standard approach to cancer therapy today is to mix and match chemotherapy drugs in order to attack tumors in multiple ways. Now, two separate teams of investigators have demonstrated that using nanoparticles to deliver multiple drugs simultaneously can produce a synergistic effect that boosts the cell-killing ability of both drugs.

Dec 16th, 2010

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Nanoparticle targets brain tumors

Employing nanoparticles as a drug delivery agent, a research team has created a 'nanobioconjugate' drug that may be given by intravenous injection and carried in the blood to target the brain tumor.

Dec 16th, 2010

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Physicists read data after storing them in atomic nuclei for 112 seconds

University of Utah physicists stored information for 112 seconds in what may become the world's tiniest computer memory: magnetic 'spins' in the centers or nuclei of atoms. Then the physicists retrieved and read the data electronically - a big step toward using the new kind of memory for both faster conventional and superfast quantum computers.

Dec 16th, 2010

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Holography with electrons

Physicists from the Max Born Institute in Berlin have now returned to the use of electrons in holography. A special element in their approach is that the electrons that image the object are made from the object itself using a strong laser.

Dec 16th, 2010

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Nanoscale X-ray tomography sheds light on origin of Earth's core

A new method of capturing detailed, three-dimensional images of minute samples of material under extreme pressures is shedding light on the evolution of the Earth's interior. Early results suggest that the early Earth did not have to be entirely molten to separate into the rocky crust and iron-rich core it has today. Researchers at Stanford University and SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory are leading the group pioneering the technique, which could lead to a wide range of new experiments.

Dec 16th, 2010

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Understanding the 'ionization surprise'

In 2009, the journal Nature Physics called it the 'Ionization Surprise'. Where it had been commonly thought that the ionization of atoms by strong laser fields was meanwhile well-understood, novel experiments where rare gas atoms were ionized using relatively long (few-micrometers) wavelength laser light suddenly revealed an unexpected and universal low-energy feature that defied explanation. Now, scientists in Germany provide an explanation.

Dec 16th, 2010

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Welten unter Haaresbreite

Die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft foerdert ein Projekt der Fachhochschule Giessen-Friedberg mit 210.000 Euro. Eine von Prof. Dr. Alexander Kloes geleitete Gruppe arbeitet an der 'strukturnahen Modellierung von Nanoscale Multiple-Gate-FETs zur Schaltungssimulation'.

Dec 16th, 2010

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